[sr_listings_slider] – Display your featured listings

The [sr_listings] short-code can be used to show a small section of featured listings within a page or post that is mostly filled with other content. For example, this short-code works great on a Home or About Us page and it’s a great way to spotlight listings outside of the main search.

See the example below to get ideas of where you can use the [sr_listings_slider].



Basic syntax:


With options and filters:

[sr_listings_slider random="true" agent="agentID"]


This short-code supports options to change the output and behavior of the slider. See the syntax section for example usage.

randomfalseDisplay the listings in a random order.random="true"
limit8How many listings to show (multiples of 4 work best).limit="12"

Search filters

NOTE: This short-code supports all available API parameters, but it does not support multiple values within a search filter.

Add search filters to the short-code to determine which listings are shown. For example, show listings by a specific agent, within a price range, or a in a specific area.

vendornullfalseThe RETS vendor to search (required with multi-mls accounts).vendor="har"
sortModifed, descendingfalseSort the listings on list date, price , number of bedrooms, or number of bathrooms.sort="-listdate"
limit25falseThe number of results to show per page (max 500).limit="500"
qnullfalseA textual keyword searchq="Houston"
statusActive; PendingfalseFilter listings by status.status="Active"
typeResidential; RentalfalseFilter listings by property type.type="Condominium"
agentnullfalseFilter listings by agent MLS ID.agent="agent1"
brokersnullfalseFilter listings by broker MLS ID.brokers="office1"
minpricenullfalseFilter listings by a minimum price.minprice="500000"
maxpricenullfalseFilter listings by a maximum price.maxprice="1000000"
minareanullfalseFilter listings by a minimum living area.minarea=2500
maxareanullfalseFilter listings by a maximum area.maxarea=10000
minbedsnullfalseFilter listings by a minimum number of bedrooms.minbeds="3"
maxbedsnullfalseFilter listings a maximum number of bedrooms.maxbeds="5"
minbathsnullfalseFilter listings by a minimum number of bathrooms.minbaths="2"
maxbathsnullfalseFilter listings by a maximum number of bathroroms.maxbaths="5"
maxdomnullfalseFilter listings by a maximum days on market.maxdom="30"
waternullfalseFilter listings by a waterfront (or “true” for all waterfront listings).water="Lake Name"
citiesnullfalseFilter listings by a city.cities="Houston"
postalCodesnullfalseFilter listings by a postal code.postalCodes="77001"

And many, many more. See the API docs for a complete list of search filters.



[sr_listings_slider random="true" limit="16"]


This is custom disclaimer text that can show when the data was last updated: 2025-03-31T22:39:03+00:00

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